Original description
Hansson, C. 2004. Eulophidae of Costa Rica, 2. Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute, 75:16.
Final tergite in female 4.5X as long as width at base and with sides parallel; flagellum and pedicel long and narrow; large species (2.9-3.7 mm); fore wing with a strongly infuscate band in median one-fourth, with seven admarginal setae; frons pale brown, vertex dark brown, mesosoma dark brown, posterior two-thirds of mesoscutum paler; anterior one-half of midlobe mesoscutum and entire sidelobes with strong and dense reticulation, posterior one-half of midlobe smooth and shiny; anterior two-thirds of scutellum with strong and dense reticulation, posterior one-third smooth and shiny; ratio FM/HM = 1.3.
Costa Rica.
Depository of primary type
Holotype female in Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio), Santo Domingo, Costa Rica.